BALTIC, Gateshead, Architecture Poster by Poster Creative


Situated on the River Tyne alongside the Millennium Bridge at Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, and simply known as BALTIC, the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art is an art, exhibition and events space that was converted from an old flour mill in 2002.

Our original poster design depicts this 1950’s built building sporting its 21st Century conversion.



BALTIC, Gateshead, Architecture Poster by Poster Creative


Situated on the River Tyne alongside the Millennium Bridge at Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, and simply known as BALTIC, the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art is an art, exhibition and events space that was converted from an old flour mill in 2002.

Our original poster design depicts this 1950’s built building sporting its 21st Century conversion.


Giclée high-quality archival print on 240gsm Matt Ultra stock paper for vibrant and accurate colour reproduction.


A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mm x 420mm) or A2 (420mm x 594mm). This poster has a white border to the edge.


Poster prints are quality checked by our experienced fine art printer and by us. All prints are carefully wrapped in protective acid-free tissue paper and sealed with a removable sticker. A4 prints are placed in a hardback envelope. A3 and A2 prints are hand-rolled and packed very carefully into a strong cardboard tube for sending out to you in the post. Please note: prints don’t include mounting or frame.


A4 poster prints are delivered for free. For A3 and A2 poster prints, a standard delivery cost of £3.95 is applied at checkout (Royal Mail 1st class delivery – UK only). Please allow up to 7 business days from order to delivery.